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All active grant recipients



Amount (USD) 

Term (months)

African Climate FoundationCore funding to ACF to support an independent and multi-disciplinary African-led climate and development movement 2,500,00018
Agfood Future FoundationTo support research on alternative proteins market development1,000,00012
Anthropocene Fixed Income InstituteSupport for work on role of bond markets in shifting finance away from fossil fuels to clean energy3,000,00031
Berkeley EarthFunding to support the Local Futures Platform and Climate Model Synthesis1,554,70024
Boston Consulting GroupSupport for the Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Demand research project300,0001
BRM Futures LtdSupport for campaigns and advocacy around climate policy in the UK 11,167,23336
Canopy Planet SocietySupport to engage the fashion industry on deforestation-free supply chains and materials10,000,00071
Carbon DirectSupport for work to review data modelling for carbon dioxide removal  (CDR)970,00016
Carbon Gap (Carbon Removal Advocacy Europe)Funding to support advocacy around carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in Europe 2,496,00036
Carbon LimitsFunding to support tools and actions to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas492,00012
Carbon Market WatchSupport for work to increase the transparency and integrity of corporate climate pledges475,91312
Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA)Supporting the global energy transition and air quality improvement through data oriented research570,00012
Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA)Supporting the global energy transition and air quality improvement through data oriented research570,00012
Clean Air Fund (CAF)Support for work at the intersection of the climate and clean air agendas, including for CAF's Black Carbon programme 10,500,00036
Clean Air Task Force, Inc.Funding to help establish an options-based policy strategy for climate and the energy transition in Europe9,000,00036
Clean Air Task Force, Inc.Funding to help establish an options-based policy strategy for climate and the energy transition in Europe1,430,00012
Climate Advisers Inc.Funding to support convening and coalition building around the role of alternative proteins250,0006
Climate Breakthrough IncSupport for the Climate Breakthrough Awards10,500,00036
Climate Policy RadarFunding to support efforts to build evidence based decision making on climate policy2,600,00036
Climate Subak CICCore funding for work to support early stage not-for-profits to scale 6,500,00036
ClimateWorks FoundationFunding to ClimateWorks Foundation to support coordinated funding efforts across multiple climate programmes 15,000,00012
ClimateWorks FoundationFunding to support the Industry Hub to accelerate industrial decarbonization19,700,00024
ClimateWorks FoundationSeed funding for development of the "Industry Hub"300,00012
ClimateWorks FoundationSupport for work on financial regulation to address climate risk6,000,00036
ClimateWorks FoundationSupport for ClimateWorks Foundation to build the Adaptation and Resilience Funder Collaborative, to scale and coordinate funding into climate adaptation and resilience 1,000,00012
ClimateWorks FoundationTo support ClimateWorks Foundation to scale and coordinate funding for the global transition to Electric Vehicles 24,300,00060
Colorado State UniversitySupport for research into the role of climate intervention as a potential option for reducing near term climate risk4,574,24560
Conscious Advertising NetworkFunding to support efforts to counter disinformation around climate260,00018
Cornell UniversitySupport for research and analysis to improve the accuracy and comparability of climate models250,000
Count Us In LimitedFunding to support public education on climate change1,300,00012
DEGREES InitiativeSupport for building capacity in the Global South to help scientists and other stakeholders examine the implications of climate intervention 5,448,44330
Earth Island InstituteSupport for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative2,200,00012
Energy Foundation China (EFC)Funding for work on zero-emission shipping4,000,00030
Environmental Leadership AustraliaFunding to build public awareness and engagement around climate change in Australia3,900,00036
European Climate Foundation (ECF)Funding to accelerate the decarbonisation of the European power sector3,500,00012
European Climate Foundation (ECF)Funding to support ECF's global work on a just energy transition, through engagement with diplomacy, business and finance9,700,00011
European Climate Foundation (ECF)Support across ECF's renewable energy transition programmes 10,000,00064
European Climate Foundation (ECF)Support across ECF's programmes to accelerate the clean energy transition1,714,28512
European Climate Foundation (ECF)Support to strengthen the clean energy transition in UK and Europe 3,103,39612
European Climate Foundation (ECF)Support to strengthen the clean energy transition in UK and Europe 11,359,47736
European Climate Foundation (ECF)Funding to support climate and energy policy advocacy and civic engagement in the UK3,750,00024
European Climate Foundation (ECF)Funding to support climate and energy policy advocacy and civic engagement in the UK3,000,00024
European Federation for Transport & EnvironmentFunding to support policy advocacy for electric vehicle transition in Europe2,639,00036
Extraenvironmentalist Media AssociationFunding to support The Energy Transition Show to expand its educational offerings250,00024
Finance WatchFunding to support policy analysis around climate risk in insurance markets 2,241,37936
Floralis Uga Filiale (University of Grenoble)Funding to support improvement in Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs)303,83324
Future Earth InternationalSupport for Climate AI solutions 1,000,00019
Global Change Data LabFunding to support Our World in Data in their provision of high-quality, open data around climate and energy2,502,50043
Global Energy MonitorCore funding including to support production of data to track energy markets467,00012
Global Energy MonitorFunding to support improving the quality of energy-transition related project data3,000,00036
Global Greengrants FundCore funding to support grassroots climate movements particularly in the global south 3,600,00036
Global OptimismCore support for climate advocacy and communications around the world325,00012
Global Renewable Energy Mass Adoption Program (GREENMAP)Core funding to support renewable energy advocacy2,500,00019
Global Resilience PartnershipCore support to seed and scale Climate Resilience for All, a programme to protect the health and livelihoods of women vulnerable to extreme heat 1,000,00012
Global WitnessCore support including general operating support to Global Witness for their programmes on climate and justice 1,950,00036
Graduate Institute of International and Development StudiesSupport for the Forum on Trade, Environment and the SDGs1,709,64436
Grantham FoundationQCF-Grantham partnership on unlocking neglected climate opportunities50,000,00015
Green Finance Institute Ltd (GFI)Funding to support programmes around the decarbonisation of transport; sustainable import guarantee schemes; and COP26830,26712
Green Finance Institute Ltd (GFI)Funding to support a coalition for the decarbonisation of transport3,000,00039
Growald Climate FundQCF-Growald Partnership on power sector transformation 75,000,00036
Heriot-Watt UniversityTo support the development of a CDR workforce & CDR innovation390,00012
Homeworld CollectiveFunding to support integrating roadmapping and translational efforts for climate biotech1,462,59119
Impatience Ltd Support for scaling philanthropic collaborations around climate624,00012
Imperial College of Science, Technology and MedicineSupport for the Climate Solutions Launch Pad1,351,84129
Imperial College of Science, Technology and MedicineFunding to support research fellows on climate780,00038
InfluenceMap CICFunding to investigate anti climate lobbying networks across fossil fuel and automotive sectors650,00012
Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)Core funding for general operating support and to strengthen civil society in Brazil 1,500,00012
Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)Funding to map and monitor deforestation and land use change in the Brazilian Amazon to develop a greenhouse gas emissions inventory for municipalities in Brazil1,166,00024
Institute for Energy Economics and Financial AnalysisSupport for financial analysis of energy markets1,500,00012
Instituto del Bien ComúnFunding to map and monitor deforestation and land use change in the Amazon basin outside of Brazil1,224,18812
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)Funding to support work on adaptation and resilience programmes 1,000,00012
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)Support for establishing SIDS Debt sustainability and investment support unit 350,00012
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)Funding for country consultations on policy support needs for responsible mining97,5006
Marble IFunding to support the Inflection Awards (formerly All Crew Awards)270,67812
Market Forces LtdTo support global fossil fuel finance campaigning1,000,00012
Media BountyFunding to support efforts to counter disinformation around climate 1,787,50014
Mighty EarthCore funding for global anti-deforestation campaigns 2,000,00018
MultiplierSupport for Climate Safe Learning Lab, which connects and supports banking professionals advancing the climate agenda within their organizations130,40012
mySocietyFunding to support the acceleration of local climate action through data and digital services1,950,00041
New AutomotiveFunding to support a transition in the automotive sector2,100,00036
Oil Change InternationalFunding for work on asset retirement in the oil and gas industry400,00024
Partnership ProjectSupport for campaigns to engage community stakeholders around clean energy projects 390,00012
Pathways Global LimitedFunding to increase support for climate policy, highlighting benefits to energy security, jobs and the natural environment514,8006
Payne Institute for Public Policy (Colorado School of Mines)Funding to support research on developing sustainable and just critical energy transition mineral markets 1,500,0000
Peers for the Planet LtdCore support for the work of Peers for the Planet 195,00012
Potential Energy Coalition, Inc.Funding to support data driven climate communications3,497,14312
Project TempoCore support to Project Tempo, a non-partisan organisation that advocates for transformative but politically-feasible climate strategies.10,877,10923
Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)Funding to support decarbonization policy solutions in Asia 3,000,00036
Rights and Resources Institute Inc.Funding to support Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities to secure land tenure rights1,000,00012
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.Support to Bellwethers Group on expanding climate leadership 99,5875
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.Funding to the Energy Transition Fund that supports a public finance shift away from fossil fuels to clean energy12,350,00036
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.Core funding to the Youth Climate Justice Fund to support regranting to youth-led organisations in the Global South1,000,00024
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.Funding to campaigns in the UK to secure support for the energy transition1,000,00012
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.Funding to support engagements at COP conferences to empower vulnerable communities most at risk from climate impacts.3,000,00036
Rocky Mountain InstituteFunding to support analysis of the decarbonization pathways for oil and gas1,000,00012
Rocky Mountain InstituteFunding to support analysis of the Energy Transition500,00012
Sandbag Climate Campaign CICSupporting the development of high-quality country-level data for the power sector1,940,40012
Sandbag Climate Campaign CICFunding to provide data for the clean power transition4,340,00036
Securing America's Future Energy Foundation (SAFE)Campaign to build cross-European support for energy and environmental policy that intersects with economic and energy security priorities.300,00012
Silver LiningSupport for research and advocacy around understanding climate intervention options to address near term climate risks 11,500,00036
Silver LiningSupport for research around understanding climate intervention options to address near term climate risks 390,00012
Society for the Protection of Underground Networks (SPUN)Funding to support the mapping of carbon drawdown options of fungal pathways1,250,00018
Spark Climate Solutions Inc.Funding to support work around methane and carbon removal approaches 2,500,00024
SRI InternationalSupport for climate intervention research to reduce near term climate risk390,00012
Stichting Arctic Basecamp FoundationFunding to support the Arctic Risk Platform1,622,08012
Systemiq LimitedFunding to support the Government of Barbados to develop a Resilience Roadmap 390,0006
Systemiq LimitedAnalysis to investigate the potential for iron & steel decarbonisation as a key plank of Ukraine's post-invasion economic recovery.300,00012
Tara Climate FoundationSupport to accelerate the clean energy transition in Asia 5,000,00012
TED FoundationSupport for communications and events around  "Dilemmas in the Green Transition"1,998,8547
The Bellona Environmental FoundationFunding to fill research and policy development gaps around industrial decarbonisation and carbon capture, storage and removals in Europe5,460,00036
The Bureau of Investigative JournalismFunding to support the Eating the Earth project1,189,50036
The Centre for Investigative JournalismCore support to expand skills sharing for climate change investigations798,28318
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars Of The University Of CambridgeGeneral organisational support to Cambridge Zero1,300,00012
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of OxfordSupporting a Net Zero Network Platform303,08712
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of OxfordCore support for the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment 2,345,15836
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of OxfordSupport for the State of CDR Report 390,00021
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of OxfordFunding to provide access to data, research and raise public awareness about the food system transition 2,237,38241
The Chancery Lane ProjectDevelopment of The Chancery Lane Project2,340,00039
The Conduit Holdco LimitedSupport for an Impact Partnership Project, creating spaces for education and debate around the climate transition 1,000,00012
The Good Food InstituteTo support research grant program around sustainable and just food systems  2,000,00012
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)Core support to the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change 1,300,00030
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)Funding to support research on sustainable finance and climate action1,295,01149
The Meliore FoundationSupport to increase civic engagement that enables climate action in Europe5,000,00012
The SED FundSupport to SED fund to seed and scale  organisations working for a  just climate transition 6,500,00012
The SED FundSupport to SED fund to seed and scale  organisations working for a  just climate transition 19,000,00036
The Stichting Foundation for International Law for  the Environment (FILE)Supporting work to accelerate legal action on climate change globally 2,500,00012
The Stichting Foundation for International Law for  the Environment (FILE)Supporting work to accelerate legal action on climate change globally 13,700,00036
The Stockholm Environment InstituteSupport to develop an online platform monitoring deforestation in soft commodity supply chains3,250,00057
The Sunrise Project Support for The Sunrise Project's finance program to hold financial institutions to account over their climate impact12,000,00012
The Sunrise Project Inc.Core support for Sunrise Project global fossil fuel finance campaign 13,500,00036
The Windward FundSupport for environmental justice advocates in the US2,000,00012
The Windward FundFunding to establish the Enteric Fermentation R&D Accelerator, an initiative to reduce emissions from livestock.15,000,00036
The Windward FundFunding to establish the Global Methane Hub, a global co-ordinated funding effort to mitigate human-caused methane emissions in the energy, agriculture and waste sectors.20,000,00036
TMP Public CICFunding for research and action plans to reduce climate risk and disruptions in transition mineral supply chains3,000,00036
Tracker Group LimitedCore Support to Carbon Tracker Initiative1,166,66712
TransitionZero LtdTo support open energy system modelling and analysis tools1,467,89912
TransitionZero LtdCore Support for Transition Zero to provide  open data products to shape a clean energy future1,235,00012
Trustees of Boston UniversityFunding to support research on the IMF, Climate, and De-carbonization500,00012
UN FoundationSupport for The Accelerator for Systemic Risk Assessment (ASRA) programme1,000,00012
University College London (UCL)Development of carbon emission accounts for developing countries433,33312
University College London (UCL)To support research into shipping decarbonisation672,56212
University College London (UCL)Funding for work to understand power sector reform in China396,27211
University of ExeterSupport for PhD project on climate tipping points78,00045
University of ExeterSupport for research around climate intervention978,96240
University of Technology SydneyFunding for work to understand the global supply of critical transition minerals 500,00024
University of the Arctic (UArctic)Support for research into ice sheet conservation and frozen arctic conservation250,000
University of WashingtonTo support research to understand marine cloud brightening 2,500,00012
Woodwell Climate Research CenterFunding to integrate permafrost into climate impacts analysis6,000,00070
Woodwell Climate Research CenterFunding to support national climate risk assessments and adaptation planning in the DRC 1,099,80012
Woodwell Climate Research CenterFunding for research and policy outreach on permafrost thaw and municipal level physical climate risks 5,999,91036
World Economic Forum (WEF)Funding to support programmes around electrifying aviation346,92314
World Economic Forum (WEF)Funding to support programmes around carbon neutrality in China, and climate & trade 3,540,62151
World Economic Forum (WEF)To support the Climate Trade Zero platform hosted by the World Economic Forum325,50018
World Meteorological OrganizationFunding to measure GHG fluxes over the Amazon through airplane-based sampling346,50018
World Meteorological OrganizationFunding to support the utilization of atmospheric measurements to establish the carbon sequestration capacity of bamboo forests1,162,81248
World Resources InstituteTo support the Coolfood initiative, to reduce climate impacts of food in the U.K. and Europe 820,00012
World Resources InstituteFunding to understand ghg emissions reductions from agriculture, food loss and waste in China1,606,52224
World Resources InstituteTo support research, modelling and policy recommendations on low-carbon agriculture, food systems and land use693,63718
Zenon ResearchFunding to support exploration efforts into European climate strategies30,0006